
Eating Disorder Screaning Tool

Wondering if you have an eating disorder? View common eating disorder symptoms and warning signs in our quick eating disorder test.

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I am unable to stop bingeing and purging even though I want to quit.

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The frequency of my vomiting and/or purging has increased.

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I feel that I can never eat normally.

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I feel fat even though others think I am thin.

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I do not like myself or the way I look.

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I wear baggy clothes to hide my weight loss, or tight clothes to show off my weight loss.

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I avoid physical or sexual contact.

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I withdraw from my friends and avoid social situations.

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I gain and lose weight frequently.

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I am angry when I am interrupted while eating.

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I hide food.

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It is difficult for me to concentrate because I am thinking about food.

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Other people have made concerned comments about my eating habits.

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I lie to others about how much or little I eat.

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I try to skip meals or avoid eating for the entire day.

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I have induced vomiting to prevent weight gain.

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I have used laxatives or diuretics in order to prevent weight gain.

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I am very concerned about my weight.

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I feel guilty about eating.

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I often try new diets and/or exercise plans.

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I am very self-conscious about eating in social situations.

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I eat very quickly and am not aware how much I have eaten.

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I eat even when I am not hungry.

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I eat in secret.

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I think about food constantly.

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How would you like to be contacted?

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Enter Your Number or e-mail


How do you know if you have an eating disorder?

If you are asking yourself, “Do I have an eating disorder?” this self-assessment eating disorder test can help you determine if you are at risk:*

Eating disorders, including anorexiabulimiabinge eating disorder and ARFID, are mental health conditions that include challenging thoughts, feelings and and behaviors related to food, eating, and body size, shape and weight.

* Adapted from SCOFF screening questionnaire

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