Lois Bridges Eating Disorder Support & Self Care Groups offer a space for people to talk openly about their Eating Disorder and co-existing conditions eg low mood, depression, anxiety, OCD and their impact on the persons life. Peers share their experience and understanding and offer an exchange of thoughts and techniques around self-care and resilience in a supportive, confidential and proactive environment.
Lois Bridges family and friends support Groups
The Overall aim of the Family and Friends Support group is to improve the situation of families coping with a loved one affected by an Eating Disorder by giving them the space to talk about their experiences and listening to others. By talking with others going through similar situations, we can gain support and reassurance.
Dates this year: 23rd & 30th November and 7th & 14th December
11am – 1pm
Both groups will run simultaneously, but facilitated in separate group rooms
Lois Bridges Eating Disorder Treatment Centre,
3 Greenfield Road,
Dublin 13
Groups are free of charge, but places are limited so booking is required.
Please contact us at info@loisbridges.ie or call us on 01-8396147